Edge welded bellows for improved flexibility and durability



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Order your new edge welded bellows by Mewasa now

Edge welded bellows are crucial for a wide array of applications. They withstand pressure, heat differentials, and are used in industries as diverse as ultra-high vacuum environments, particle accelerators, synchrotrons, medical, automotive, aerospace, oil and gas, scientific R & D, semiconductor and many more. Contact us now to receive the best possible bellows for your systems.

Edge welded bellows provide the performance you need.

Implementing edge welded bellows into your systems can provide several advantages across diverse applications. For example, they offer high flexibility for lateral and axial movements, enabling compression and expansion according to your requirements. If the contained mediums expand or contract due to changes in volume caused by pressure or temperature, the bellows can withstand those new circumstances, making them ideal for a vast array of applications. They also enable hermetic sealing, preventing any leakage, such as due to in- or egress of gases and fluids. Our bellows supply you with exactly the right type of performance metrics you require and can drastically improve the reliability of your current systems.

Advantages using our edge welded bellows

Not all edge welded bellows are the same – nor should they be. To ensure the best possible performance and compatibility with your systems, we manufacture the bellows according to your personal specifications. By choosing the right materials, we ensure resistance against pressures, temperatures, chemicals, and other environmental conditions. Our high-quality materials allow for smooth daily operations within your system as well as longevity, empowering you to focus on your core business. Due to the selection of exceptionally durable materials, repairs and maintenance are required less often, which is efficient both in terms of time and associated cost.

Constructing your custom-tailored edge welded bellows

Once all necessary diaphragms are manufactured, we align them carefully and begin the welding process. The exact techniques used vary and depend on the type of design you require. The results are strong, hermetic bonds, which are created between the edges of the diaphragms. This ensures the integrity of all edge welded bellows we deliver to you. The final product shows the characteristic shape of all bellows, which allows for great flexibility and the axial movement you require. Timely delivery of all ordered bellows and bellows sub-assemblies enables you to begin operations as soon as possible, minimizing delays and maximizing revenue and satisfaction.

Repairs of your edge welded bellows

Mechanical stress leads to degradation and wear over time. No product is immune to such effects, which is why we offer repairs for your edge welded bellows. Should you notice a drop in performance or even visible cracks and tears, we will gladly perform cost-effective repairs of your parts. They are also less costly than buying completely new parts, improving the efficiency of your overall system. Please do not hesitate to contact us – for repairs as well as new edge welded bellows which follow your specifications.


Do you have any questions? Contact us by email. We will process your request as soon as possible. Our competent employees are happy to advise you.